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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it necessary to have an account to shop on bazarside?

Yes, It is mandatory our team will verify the location and documents manually.

How can I return/replace an item?

Go to profile -> My order -> order details to return you can find the replace option, if there any policy support for the product.

What does "Out of Stock" mean?

It means currently quantity to sell the product is zero.

How can I check my order status?

Go to profile -> My order -> order details.

I don't remember my password, what I need to do?

Click on the forget password option then you can reset your password.

How can I cancel my order?

Its very simple, go to order section by login there you can find one cancel button to cancel your order

Is it free to Live Shop/Dukan on Bazarside?

Yes, Live your Shop/Dukan on Bazarside is absolutely free. Bazarside does not charge anything for listing your product online. You can upgrade your account to get more advanced benefit for a small amount of charges.

Is there required GST no for Live Shop/Dukan on Online?


Why should i sell on bazarside?

Bazarside is the only one best Indian retailer aggregator platform that support unorganized & small retailers. Bazarside provide you a pocket friendly & easy use technology to sell your products to wide range of customer and highest credibility. Through bazarside you can get chance to open more outlets.

When i will start selling/Live?

Once our Verification management confirm all of your correct document.

Is their any commission?

Yes, there is a little amount of commission.

If i am facing any issue related to using bazarside services, So what to do?

You can Contact us by Gmail / Phone / Whatsapp Gmail - info.bazarside@gmail.com Whatsapp/Phone - +91-8280669390

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